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Materials for modern living

What we do

Products for today and tomorrow

We produce energy and materials that raise living standards and reduce emissions. Smartphones, EVs, and medical devices use our high-tech, lightweight plastics. We also deliver high-powered fuel for aircraft, lubricants for wind turbines, and flexible films to help grow and preserve food.

Chemicals and specialties

We deliver unique performance products that are the building blocks for essential items - food packaging, tires, diapers, hand sanitizer and more. Our focus on innovation and technology development helps us make better products that use less material, save energy and reduce waste.

Transforming transportation

Today, transportation accounts for about 25 percent of CO2 emissions. We offer a range of products that improve performance, durability and efficiency to drive down emissions.

Discover how we're reducing emissions and enhancing performance today and into the future

Who we are

We work to provide the fuels and chemicals that make modern life possible.

Who we do